High Performance Coach for Business Leaders

High Performance Coach for Business Leaders

Are All Entrepreneurs Insecure?

Are All Entrepreneurs Insecure?

I just did an interview for a new podcast. But unlike most business podcasts, we talked about some very unusual things: Insecurity and entrepreneurship. The importance of developing personal confidence in business.  The big chips on the shoulders of many...
Business lessons from a stripper

Business lessons from a stripper

Sometimes the fastest way to grow your business is not to add anything new. But rather to strip away the old. Old tactics. Old products. Old ways of thinking. There’s power in reduction. Every element you strip away from your business allows you to focus more...
How to reach your goals faster

How to reach your goals faster

There’s an excellent way to increase your chances of reaching your goals. It’s used by pro sports teams with great success. It’s called Process Goal Orientation. The way most people set goals sets them up for failure.That’s because they only...