High Performance Coach for Business Leaders

High Performance Coach for Business Leaders

How to reach your goals faster

by | Jun 18, 2024

There’s an excellent way to increase your chances of reaching your goals.

It’s used by pro sports teams with great success.

It’s called Process Goal Orientation.

The way most people set goals sets them up for failure.
That’s because they only come up with goals that centre on the outcome, or final result.
For example,’ I will make a seven-figure income.’

In the professional sports world, they have these kinds of outcome goals too, but 90% of their time is spent focusing on another type of goal.
The Process Goal.

A Process Goal is a clear set of activities that you must do, usually daily.
It emphasises preparation now, over a final prize later.
The theory is that if you follow a series of actions meticulously (your process), then getting an excellent result is virtually inevitable.

Here are some examples of Process Goals:
I will do one hour of lead generation daily.
I will meet with my team for 15 minutes each morning.
I will exercise 20 minutes every day.
I will follow up 3 times after every presentation to potential clients.

In pro sports, Process Goals are an obsession.

As America’s greatest college football coach, Nick Saban, puts it:
“Don’t think about winning the SEC Championship. Don’t think about the national championship. Think about what you need to do in this drill, on this play, in this moment. That’s the process: Let’s think about what we can do today, the task at hand.”

I think that if daily Process Goals Orientation was used in the business world, our results would be vastly better.

We need to do less dreaming about victories in the future, and do more of the right actions in the present, methodically and repeatedly.

Siimon Reynolds

Post Author

Siimon Reynolds, a marketing entrepreneur, now mentors global CEOs and entrepreneurs, distinguishing himself through his own business success.

Siimon has been a major force in advertising and marketing since his early twenties, winning numerous prestigious awards worldwide for creativity.

He now mentors business leaders and entrepreneurs on high-performance strategies for both business and personal success.

Siimon Reynolds, a seasoned speaker, has shared the stage with luminaries such as Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, and others.